Easy Retrieval, Complete Convenience – Find and download the necessary documents without leaving your home.

Feel free to download documents that might be useful during the ordering process or for post-sale service. Here, you’ll find price lists, warranty terms, classifications, and all the certificates for PVC and aluminum windows, anti-burglary shutters, aluminum facades, and sliding doors. Our products adhere to all European and national standards. Our aluminum and PVC window products undergo regular testing and inspections, the results of which are also available in this section.

We cordially invite you to explore the latest catalog from Plastixal – a leader in the PVC windows industry. Our offering includes not only high-quality products but also innovative solutions that will bring modern design and functionality to your home. In the catalog, you will find a wealth of diverse window systems, tailored to the individual needs and expectations of our customers. Click on the image to see the latest offerings in our catalog!

Documents for Download

Warranty Terms

National Certificate of Compliance

GEALAN Certificate

RC2 GEALAN Certificate

BLYWEERT Properties Classification

GEALAN Properties Classification

NC-B-142 (En)

GEALAN Quality Certificate

Aluprof Mb-78EI, Aluprof Mb-60e Ei Functional Properties (EN)

Classification of Properties for Decalu 88 Doors MAAT - Single Doors 1350x2900, Opening Outward, PL

Classification of Properties for Decalu 88 Doors MAAT - Single Doors 1150x2250, Opening Inward, PL

Classification of Properties for Decalu 88 Doors MAAT - Double Doors 2900x2900, Opening Inward, PL

CE Declaration of Conformity for S8000iQ

RC2 ALUPLAST Certificate

ALUPLAST Properties Classification

ALUPROF Properties Classification

NC-B-142 (Pl)

Certyfikat NC-B-142 (Fra)

Certificate PB


Procurement Procedures

Comprehensive construction of a production building with an office and social area in the town of Stare Bożejewo 44, in accordance with the developed construction project and the bill of quantities provided as attachments to the Request for Quotation.


Procurement Results Notification

Discover New Possibilities

Our offer is not only excellent quality but also unlimited possibilities tailored to your needs. Choose Plastixal Windows and elevate the functionality and aesthetics of your home today!

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Our products guarantee comfort, safety, and energy savings
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